Hi Milly and Becky have a YouTube Account MillyandBeckyMusic and here are the videos they've uploaded.

This video is called "Milly & Becky Out & About" its about their outs and abouts!

This video is of their dog Aika.

This is a video which Milly & Becky say their real myspace is

This is just a quick hello from Indian Wells, California

Cette vidéo est de Milly Becky et dire bonjour.

Milly and Becky give shout outs to fans.

Milly and Becky answer questions from their fans

Milly and Becky show us their stardoll account.

Milly and Becky's holiday in Italy

Milly and Becky talk about Legally Blondes

Milly and Becky try to outdo each other.

Milly and Becky get ready for Marley and Me  premiere

Milly and Becky get ready for the Hotel For Dogs premiere

Este vídeo es de Milly y Becky saludar.

Fun pics of Milly and Becky

Milly and Becky new Vlog they talk about Legally Blondes and more